CompuThink ContentVerse Automated Data Import - 1 Year Annual Maintenance
Terms and Conditions for Ordering Software Maintenance
Computhink Software Product Maintenance
Software Product Maintenance is C OMPUTHINK’s
standard software maintenance offering and is needed for each year past the
initial year of purchase. It consists of software maintenance including updates
and new releases for all the products listed on your software maintenance
program. The software maintenance plan provides:
- Product revision and maintenance releases to the licensed modules,
including enhancements not incrementally charged, but excluding separately
or optionally priced new features not originally licensed.
- Access to workarounds.
Software Product Maintenance Pricing
For those systems that are under a maintenance program, but are more than
three versions behind the current released version, an additional support fee is
applicable resulting in a total software maintenance fee of 30%.
Maintenance Re-Instatement
To be eligible for continued maintenance coverage, C OMPUTHINK
products must have been covered
continuously since initial licensing. Products which are not covered by
maintenance are able to be reinstated by placing them under maintenance for at
least one year (forward), and by paying maintenance charges retroactively
for the period since maintenance was dropped, plus an additional
re-instatement fee based on the lapsed time.
License Downgrades for Maintenance
At annual maintenance renewal time, customers may downgrade the number of
seat licenses to be renewed if they are not being used. Once support is
downgraded on a particular product, the user licenses removed are not eligible
for maintenance re-instatement. All seats of a licensed product in use must be
covered by the same maintenance terms.