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Simple Software SimpleCoversheet 5 Pack - Barcode Coversheet Printer
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SimpleCoversheet 5 Pack - Barcode Coversheet Printer

Simple Software SimpleCoversheet 5 Pack - Barcode Coversheet Printer Simple Software SimpleCoversheet 5 Pack - Barcode Coversheet Printer


SimpleCoversheet is an easy, affordable solution for creating barcode coversheets to automate scanning and indexing. Coversheets are printed and placed on top of documents before scanning. Once scanned, SimpleIndex (and other applications) can read the barcodes and use that information to index and organize the files automatically.

SimpleQB - Document Management QuickBooks Integration

Coversheets are especially useful for:

  • Network scanners, digital copiers & MFPs
    Anyone can print a barcode coversheet, place it on the document and scan it on a shared network device. The document is processed and filed automatically by SimpleIndex, so users need no scanning software or training.

  • Backfile conversions
    Service bureaus and scanning departments documents often need to scan old files that are organized and correspond to data from another application, such as a customer database. SimpleCoversheet can connect to the database and print coversheets for each file. These are placed in front of the files during preparation, eliminating all manual indexing from the process.

  • Internal company documents
    Documents that are printed internally can use SimpleCoversheet to add a barcode to a blank space on the page so it can be automatically indexed when it is scanned.

  • Company scanning departments
    Coversheets are a great way to ensure that the person who indexes a document is the person that knows the most about how it should be filed. Users simply print a coversheet and place it on the document before it is sent to the scanning department. This puts indexing in the hands of the person that created the document and removes all manual data entry from the scanning process.

  • Document separation & quality control
    Create generic coverpages with a fixed barcode that is used to indicate document breaks and automatically group together multi-page files. These can be printed in bulk and used whenever documents are scanned. Handprint field labels can also be added and filled out by scanner operators for quality control purposes. These can collect information like who prepped a document, who scanned it, when it was scanned, batch IDs and other tracking data.

For more information on the benefits of using barcodes to automate document indexing Click Here.

Features of SimpleCoversheet include:

  • Supports both 1D and 2D (PDF417 / DataMatrix) barcode formats

  • Correctly formats barcodes to maximize accuracy during scanning

  • Simple user interface

  • Pricing as low as $10 per user so everyone can have it on their PC

  • Complete control over page size and layout

  • Supports printing on popular Avery label formats

  • Use lists and templates to control user input

  • Connect to any database to populate lists and barcode values

  • "Mail Merge" function to print many barcodes from database records

  • Command line interface lets you print coversheets from other applications

Related Information:

Download Manual
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

For Terms and Conditions of technical support and upgrades, click here.

Maintenance & Options:
 Installation, training and professional services
 SimpleCoversheet 5 Pack - 1 Year Annual Maintenance
 SimpleIndex Pro Workstation
 SimpleIndex Pro Workstation 5 Pack
 SimpleIndex Pro Workstation 10 Pack
 SimpleIndex Pro Workstation 25 Pack


Document Imaging, Document Management Software, OCR Software, Scanning Software, ICR Software, Forms Processing Software, PDF Conversion, Imaging & OCR SDKs
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